Family Medicine Clinic Dr. Samsom

Family physicians in Delft - doctor Samsom,
Herculesweg 13 Delft, telephone 015 261 1601

General information about our practice

Doctor Samsom's practice is located at Herculesweg 13, 2624 VM Delft. This is near the TU Delft.

praktijkfoto On working days you can reach us at telephone no. 015-2611601.
We don't have open hours, but we only work by appointment. You can click make appointment for more information about our availability by telephone and about times for consultations and house calls.

Consultations after having made an appointment by telephone, are planned the earliest at 8.30 AM. This applies not only to a consultation with the doctor, but also to consultations with our practice assistant, physician assistant/nurse somatics and our practitioner mental health care. Click make appointment for more information.

House calls:
If you are not able to come to our practice, the doctor can visit you at home. To arrange a house call you can telephone our practice assistant at telephone number 015-2611601, on working days in the morning between 8.00 - 11.00 AM and in the afternoon between 2.00 - 4.00 PM.

Emergency cases:
In case of an emergency on working days during office hours, you can contact Dr Samsom directly by choosing option 1 when calling our practice at telephone number 015-2611601. Outside office hours you can contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, telephone: 015-2511930. The "Huisartsenpost" is located in the Reinier de Graaf Hospital, Reinier de Graafweg 3a in Delft. In case of a life threatening situation you can call 112, they are available 24 hrs/day 7 days/week.

Consultation hours Physician Assistant/Nurse Somatics:
For guiding of diabetes, COPD, obesity, (cardio)vascular disease, as well as providing specific elderly care you can make an appointment by telephone.

Consultation hours Practice Assistant:
Our Practice Assistant has her own paramedical qualifications and a wide range of tasks for which you can visit her by appointment, including: ear syringing, interim blood pressure control, removing sutures, treating warts, urinalysis, giving injections, making a cervix smear, inserting or removing IUDs, putting bandages on wounds, repeat prescriptions, results of urine or blood tests. You can make an appointment by telephone.

Consultation hours Practitioner Mental Health Care:
For guiding and treating your psychiatric and other mental and/or social problems, as well as helping and coaching you to stop smoking or other addictions, you can make an appointment by telephone.

Repeat prescriptions:
Click here to go to our fast and easy online form to request a repeat prescription. You can also call us at our telephone number 015-2611601, choose the right option and leave a spoken message to request for repeat prescriptions.

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